Please answer the questions below so that we can assist you

Course Enquiry Form - Live3
Are you already a qualified electrician?
Can we help you with any of the options below?
Select a codes and standards book below
Do you already have an Electrician Occupational Certificate or have you previously studied and passed Electrical Engineering NQF Levels 3, 4 or 5?
Do you have a minium of 5 years proven work experience in electrical installations?
Can we help you with any of the options below so you can become an electrician?
When you were at school, did you pass Grade 9, 10 or 11?
Did you pass Maths, Science and English with 40% or higher?
You do not meet the minium requirements to become an electrician. Would you like todo a bridging course so that you can meet the minium requirements?
What type of electrician do you want to be?
A single phase Electrician has to obtain an Electrician occupational certificate - Would you like to proceed?
A three phase Electrician has to obtain an Electrician occupational certificate - Would you like to proceed?
A master Electrician has to obtain an Electrician occupational certificate and study Electrical Engineering NQF Levels 4-6 - Would you like to proceed?
I'm sorry we can't help you any further

You need to contact the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) if you want to write your trade test. You can find a trade test center on their website here:

Alternatively, you can contact them on their website here:

We can't help you any further than the advice given above.

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